
ICAI CA Foundation Exam Pattern for September 2024 Attempt


The September 2024 CA Foundation Exam Pattern is provided here, per ICAI’s website, Verify the curriculum revisions, marking system, and exam structure for the CA Foundation.

September 2024 CA Foundation Exam Pattern: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the September 2024 CA Foundation exam pattern, which can be seen on their official website, test format details, such as subject coverage, quantity and kind of questions, marking system, and length of the national test, may be found by looking up the CA Foundation paper pattern 2024.

The new syllabus announced by ICAI will be followed in the upcoming September 2024 CA Foundation exam. The foundation exam is being administered for the first time under the revised plan that was put into place last year.

Comprehending the Foundation level CA test pattern is essential for candidates to formulate a successful exam plan. Three times a year, in January, May/June, and September, ICAI administers the CA Foundation exam. The objective of this essay is to offer a thorough explanation of the CA Foundation paper pattern 2024.
CA Intermediate Study Plan Sept 2024 Exams

CA Foundation Exam Pattern Sept 2024 Overview

Check the table below for the overview of the CA Foundation Exam Pattern for Sept 2024 attempt:

CA Foundation Exam Pattern Sept 2024
Particulars Details
Name of the exam CA Foundation, earlier known as CA CPT (Common Proficiency Test).
Conducting Body The Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
Mode of exam Offline
Frequency Thrice in a year
Level of exam National level
Level of difficulty Easy to Moderate
Question paper (s) The CA Foundation exam includes FOUR papers:
Paper 1 – Accounting
Paper 2 – Business Laws
Paper 3 – Quantitative Aptitude:
Part A: Business Mathematics
Part B: Logical Reasoning
Part C: Statistics
Paper 4 – Business Economics
Duration of the question papers Paper 1 and 2 will be of 3 hours
Paper 3 and 4 will be of 2 hours
Question Type Paper 1 and 2 – Subjective
Paper 3 and 4 – Objective
Marks Each paper will be of 100 marks.
Total marks 400
Marking scheme For subjective (Paper 1 and 2) – NO negative marking
For objective papers (Paper 3 and 4) – ¼ mark will be deducted for every wrong answer
Medium of exam English/Hindi except for Paper 2 (section b which will be in English only)

CA Foundation Accounts 2024

CA Foundation Exam Pattern Sept 2024

There will be four papers in the 2024 CA Foundation exam. Papers 3 and 4 are objective, however Papers 1 and 2 are subjective. There are 100 possible points for each paper, for a total of 400 in the CA Foundation test.

Only objective papers are subject to negative marking, which subtracts one-fourth of a point for each wrong response. With the exception of Section (b) of Paper 2, which requires responses in English, the offline exam is administered in both Hindi and English.

CA Foundation Passing Criteria 2024

For the CA Foundation, 40% is the passing score. A minimum of 40% in each of the four papers and a cumulative 50% score are required for applicants to pass the CA Foundation exam in 2024. Candidates will not be considered successful and will have to retake the CS Foundation exams if they do not meet the ICAI’s specified passing standards.

CA Foundation Syllabus 2024

Candidates must comprehend the revised syllabus provided by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in order to perform well on the CA Foundation exam. The new 2024 syllabus is in force, superseding the prior CA Foundation 2023 syllabus.

This updated syllabus’s themes and subtopics will all be covered in the next CA Foundation 2024 test paper. The whole CA Foundation syllabus is available for simple access on ICAI’s official website. To ensure you are well-prepared for the test, keep yourself updated on these developments.

CA Foundation Topic Wise Weightage

In the context of the new ICAI education and training program, review the tables below to understand the major subjects and their relative relevance in the CA Foundation syllabus. The weights allotted to each topic in the four papers are shown in the tables, which give a clear picture of the curriculum structure.

Enroll for CA Foundation Course

Paper 1:  Accounting (Marks: 100)

CA Foundation Accounting Topics Weightage
Chapters Marks Weightage
1. Theoretical Framework 5%-10%
2. Accounting Process
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
4. Inventories
5. Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
6. Accounting for Special Transactions 15%-20%
7. Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors
8. Partnership Accounts
9. Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations
10. Introduction to Company Accounts 10%-15%

Paper 2: Business Laws (Marks – 100)

The CA Foundations second paper consists of two main parts. Section A focuses on business law, while Section B delves into correspondence and reporting.

CA Foundation Business Laws Topics Weightage
Section Chapters Marks Weightage
Section A: Business Laws (60 Marks) 1. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 25%-30%
2. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 20%-25%
3. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 20%-25%
4. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 5%-10%
5. The Companies Act, 2013 15%-20%
Section B: Business Correspondence And Reporting (40 Marks) Part I: Communication
1. Communication 10%-15%
Part II: Sentence Types and Word Power
2. Sentence Types (Direct-Indirect, Active-Passive Speech) 20%-30%
3. Vocabulary (Root Words, Synonyms, Antonyms, Prefixes, Suffixes), Phrasal Verbs, Collocations, and Idioms 20%-30%
Part III: Comprehension Passages and Note Making
4. Comprehension Passages 20%-30%
5. Note Making 20%-30%
Part IV: Developing Writing Skills
6. Introduction to Basic Writing 35%-40%
7. Précis Writing 35%-40%
8. Article Writing 35%-40%
9. Report Writing 35%-40%
10. Writing Formal Letters 35%-40%
11. Writing Formal Mails 35%-40%
12. Resume Writing 35%-40%
13. Meetings 35%-40%

Paper 3: Quantitative Aptitude (Marks – 100)

The CA Foundation exam paper 3 is structured into three sections:

  1. Business Mathematics
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Statistics
CA Foundation Quantitative Aptitude Topics Weightage 
Part Chapters Marks Weightage
Part A: Business Mathematics (40 Marks) 1. Ratio and Proportion, Indices and Logarithms 20%-30%
2. Equations and Matrices 20%-30%
3. Linear Inequalities with Objective Functions and Optimization 20%-30%
4. Time value of Money 30%-40%
5. Permutations and Combinations 30%-40%
6. Sequence and Series 30%-40%
7. Sets, Relations, and Functions 30%-50%
8. Basic applications of Differential and Integral calculus 30%-50%
Part B: Logical Reasoning (20 Marks) 1. Number series, Coding, and Decoding and odd man out 60%-70%
2. Direction Tests 60%-70%
3. Seating Arrangements 60%-70%
4. Blood Relations 30%-40%
5. Syllogism 30%-40%
Part C: Statistics (40 Marks) 1. Statistical description of Data 45%-50%
2. Measures of Central tendency and Dispersion 45%-50%
3. Probability 25%-30%
4. Theoretical Distributions 25%-30%
5. Correlation and Regression 10%-15%
6. Index Numbers and Time Series 10%-15%

Paper 4: Business Economics (Marks – 100)

CA Foundation Business Economics Topics Weightage 
Part Chapters Marks Weightage
Part I: Business Economics (60 Marks) 1. Introduction to Business Economics 15%-20%
2. Theory of Demand and Supply
3. Theory of Production and Cost 35%-40%
4. Price Determination in Different Markets
5. Business Cycles 15%-20%
Part II: Business And Commercial Knowledge (40 Marks) 1. Introduction to Business 15%-18%
2. Business Environment
3. Business Organizations 15%-20%
4. Government Policies for Business Growth 15%-18%
5. Organizations Facilitating Business
6. Common Business Terminologies 15%-18%


What is the CA Foundation Exam Pattern for Sept 2024?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has released the September 2024 CA Foundation Exam Pattern (ICAI). It consists of four papers covering topics including accounting, business laws, quantitative aptitude, and business economics. The questions are a combination of subjective and objective. Every paper has a different time limit, and each one has a unique marking system that includes negative marking for objective papers.

What is the Passing Criteria for CA Foundation 2024?

To pass the CA Foundation Exam in 2024, candidates need a minimum of 40% in each individual paper and an overall aggregate of 50% across all four papers. Failure to meet these criteria will require candidates to retake the exam.

How is negative marking applied in the CA Foundation Exam?

Negative marking is applicable only to the objective papers (Paper 3 and Paper 4). For each incorrect answer, one-fourth of a mark will be deducted. There is no negative marking for subjective papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2).

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