
CA Intermediate Exam Pattern September 2024

CA Inter Exam Pattern 2024

The CA Intermediate Exam Pattern for September 2024 Exams is available on the official website of According to the paper pattern, in the CA New Scheme 2024, there are 6 papers in CA Intermediate divided into two groups, with 3 papers in each group. The types of questions will be objective and subjective, and students will get 3 hours to complete the paper. Each paper consists of 100 marks.

To find out everything there is to know about the CA Inter exam pattern 2024, including the paper pattern, marking system, weighting, total marks, and passing marks, read the entire article. The updated curriculum and training plan for the CA Course will soon be put into effect.

In the new course, ICAI has made changes to the CA Intermediate course subjects, exam pattern and exemptions. Check all the details of the CA New Scheme 2024 here. Furthermore, you can also check the complete details of CA Intermediate Registration June 2024.

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ICAI CA Intermediate Exam Pattern Sep 2024

  1. There are Six papers in the CA Inter course categorized into 2 groups.
  2. The total marks for the CA Intermediate exam are 600 (100 for each paper.)
  3. There is no negative marking in the CA Inter exams.
  4. The exams are conducted in offline mode and the medium is English and Hindi.
Particulars Details
Exam Mode Pen and paper-based
Type of question Objective cum subjective
CA Intermediate Exam Dates Group 1 September 12, 14, and 17, 2024
CA Intermediate Exam Dates Group 2 May 19, 21, and 23, 2024
Exam Duration 3 hours per paper
Medium of Exam English/ Hindi
Number of Papers Six
Number of Marks 100 per paper
Negative Marking None

ICAI CA Intermediate Exam Pattern Sep 2024

The table below mentions the CA Inter marking pattern 2024 for the September exams:

Paper Comprehension and Knowledge Application
Paper 1: Accounting 5%-15% 85%-95%
Paper 2 Part 1: Corporate Laws 40%-55% 45%-60%
Paper 2 Part 2: Other Laws 35%-55% 45%-65%
Paper 3 Cost and Management Accounting 20%-30% 70%-80%
Paper 4A: Taxation- Income Tax Law 5%-20% 80%-95%
Paper 4B: Taxation- Indirect Tax Laws 20%-45% 55%-80%
Paper 5: Advanced Accounting 30%-55% 45%-70%
Paper 6: Auditing and Assurance 5%-15% 85%-95%
Paper 7A: Enterprise Information System 30%-55% 45%-70%
Paper 7B: Strategic Management 50%-70% 30%-50%
Paper 8A: Financial Management 20%-30% 70%-80%
Paper 8B: Economics for Finance 60%-80% 20%-40%

CA Intermediate Marking Scheme

Check the marking scheme and subject-wise marks distribution of each CA Intermediate paper in the following table.

Paper  Marks


Group I
Paper 1:Advanced Accounting 100
Paper 2: Corporate and Other Law 100
Paper 3: Taxation

Part A: Income Tax Law

Part B: Goods and Service Tax




Group II
Paper 4 Cost and Management Accounting 100
Paper 5: Auditing and Assurance 100
Paper 6: Financial Management and Strategic Management

Part A: Financial Management

Part B: Strategic Management




Know More :

Get the most recent information about the September 2024 CA Intermediate exam results. In addition, the CA Final Results will be made public by ICAI in July of 2024, specifically in May. The CA Inter Pass Percentage or CA Inter Toppers list is also released by ICAI in conjunction with the results. You can immediately verify the outcome by clicking on the provided link. You should also inquire about the CA Online Classes.

Passing Marks for the CA Intermediate Exams

As per the passing criteria for the Intermediate exams, students need to get at least 40% in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in a group. Therefore, the passing mark for each CA Intermediate paper is at least 40 marks, and for a group, it is at least 200 marks.

So, if a student has given the papers of both groups but got more than 50% aggregate in only one group, he will be declared pass in that group only. He will have to give the papers of the remaining group.

Syllabus for CA Intermediate September Exam 2024

Students must review the CA Intermediate syllabus for the 2024 examinations in order to gain even more insight into the exam paper format. You should create a study plan and go over the entire syllabus as the CA Inter papers are based on it.

Study Material for CA Intermediate September Exam 2024

The study guide for the CA Inter examinations in 2024 has been made available by ICAI. The applicants can download the official CA Intermediate study guide to gain a better understanding of the exam format, the distribution of marks, and the topics covered in the frequently asked questions. The study materials for the CA Intermediate Exam Paper contain mock and revision exam papers. If students practice the example papers thoroughly, they can answer appropriately without making stupid mistakes. They can also develop their time management abilities in this way.


Is there any negative marking in the CA Intermediate exams?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking in the CA Intermediate exams.

Are CA Inter exams easy to clear?

Ans. No, the CA Intermediate exams are not easy to clear. Many students consider it difficult as they can’t clear the exams even after 1-2 attempts. Therefore, students have to prepare well for the exams to crack it on the first attempt.

Are CA Inter exams easy to clear?

Ans. No, the CA Intermediate exams are not easy to clear. Many students consider it difficult as they can’t clear the exams even after 1-2 attempts. Therefore, students have to prepare well for the exams to crack it on the first attempt.

In CA Intermediate, do we have any stepwise marking?

Ans. Right now, the ICAI does not specify such a rule. So, it completely depends on the mental state of the examiner whether he considers steps for the answers or not.

What is the minimum study period for CA Intermediate Exam?

Ans. As per ICAI, the minimum study period for CA Intermediate Exam is 8 months.

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