
CA Foundation Accounts 2024: Syllabus, Pattern & Papers


The first paper in the CA Foundation course is called Principles and Practice of Accounting, or CA Foundation Accounts. The foundational accounting concepts covered in books are part of the CA Foundation accounts curriculum.

Each of the ten chapters that make up the CA Foundation Accounts paper is worth 100 points. Students should finish their studies as soon as possible and begin working on the practice exams since the CA Foundation exams are quickly approaching.

This comprehensive guide on CA Foundation Accounts includes study materials, a paper pattern, chapter-by-chapter weighting, test-taking advice, and sample questions.

CA Foundation Accounts Overview

The foundational concepts and procedures of accounting are covered in the first CA Foundation paper, Accounts. Additionally, Accounting is a crucial component of the entire CA Course. You can learn more about debit, credit, debtors and creditors, or basic accounting entities, and their underlying principles by studying the theoretical portion of the Principles and Practice of Accounting syllabus.

Students find it easier to understand how they are treated in accounts books once they have a basic comprehension. Additionally, they will learn how to use various ratios to analyze accounting statements and assist in resolving difficult company issues.

The accounts papers will be held on June 20, 2024, in accordance with the CA Foundation Exam Dates for June and September 2024.

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CA Foundation Accounts Study Material for 2024 Exams

Module 1:

Additionally, Check how you can join CA Foundation Online Classes for all subjects. Also, Check the detailed guide on how to become CA after 12th science.

CA Foundation Accounts Paper Pattern 2024

In order to perform well on the ICAI Foundation Accounts exam, students must be aware of the most recent examination pattern. As a result, the CA Foundation Accounts paper format for the June 2024 exams is mentioned in the following table.

Particular Details
Total Question 6 (students need to answer only 5)
Exam Duration 3 hours
Maximum Marks 100 marks
CA Foundation Accounts Exam Date June 20, 22, 24 and 26, 2024
Assassinate Pattern According to comprehensive knowledge, analytical skill, and reporting efficiency.
Type of Questions Both practical and theoretical.

ICAI CA New Scheme Syllabus & Subjects 2024

CA Foundation Accounts Chapter-Wise Weightage for June 2024

You can see the breakdown of chapters and modules according to the marks weightage given In exams and plan your study accordingly

Weightage Chapter
5%-10% Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework
Unit 1: Meaning and Scope of Accounting
Unit 2: Accounting Concepts, Principles And Conventions
Unit 3: Accounting Terminology – Glossary
Unit 4: Capital And Revenue Expenditures and Receipts
Unit 5: Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities
Unit 6: Accounting Policies
Unit 7: Accounting as a Measurement Discipline – Valuation Principles, Accounting Estimates
Unit 8: Accounting Standards
Unit 9: Indian Accounting Standards
20%-25% Chapter 2: Accounting Process
Unit 1: Basic Accounting Procedures – Journal Entries
Unit 2: Ledgers
Unit 3: Trial Balance
Unit 4: Subsidiary Books
Unit 5: Cash Book
Unit 6: Rectification of Errors
Chapter 3: Bank Reconciliation Statement
Chapter 4: Inventories
Chapter 5: Concept and Accounting of Depreciation
15%-20% 15%-20% Chapter 6: Accounting for Special Transactions
Unit 1: Bill Of Exchange and Promissory Notes
Unit 2: Sale of Goods on Approval or Return Basis
Unit 3: Consignment
Unit 4: Joint Ventures
Unit 5: Royalty Accounts
Unit 6: Average Due Date
Unit 7: Account Current
25%-30% 25%-30% Chapter 7: Preparation of Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors
Unit 1: Final Accounts of Non-Manufacturing Entities
Unit 2: Final Accounts of Manufacturing Entities
Chapter 8: Partnership Accounts
Unit 1: Introduction to Partnership Accounts
Unit 2: Treatment of Goodwill in Partnership Accounts
Unit 3: Admission of a New Partner
Unit 4: Retirement of a Partner
Unit 5: Death of a Partner
Chapter 9: Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations
10%-15% 10%-15% Chapter 10: Company Accounts
Unit 1: Introduction to Company Accounts
Unit 2: Issue, Forfeiture and Re-Issue of Shares
Unit 3: Issue of Debentures
Chapter 11: Basic Accounting Ratios

CA Foundation Accounting Self-Study Plan 2024

Put the ideas and formulas on a chart and tape it to the wall of your room so you may easily refer to it when needed.

Take notes and provide your own explanations for each concept and theory.

Create charts with all of the accounting rules, and make an effort to learn them by heart in a fun way.

Determine the nature of the product and do a comprehensive analysis of it before treating it while creating accounting statements.

Once you’ve finished the course, get the CA Foundation practice questions and answers and go to work. Check your answer sheet with the ICAI solutions after you’ve finished the paper to evaluate your performance.

That is all about the CA Foundation Accounts paper for the June 2024 exam. Now, you have better insights into the syllabus, study material, paper pattern, and also chapter-wise weightage. Moreover, you also have past year’s question papers, MTPs, RTPs, and a study plan to score more in CA Foundation accounts.

We wish you all the best for the future.

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